Coffee purists have elaborate rituals to achieve the perfect cuppa every time. They can’t bear the thought of reheating coffee in the microwave, for example. While I do enjoy a perfect cup of joe, I’m also not picky when it comes to getting my morning caffeine fix. Here are 4 coffee “sins” I’ve been guilty of from time to time, in order of (probably) least to most egregious.
Using pre-ground beans
Coffee beans lose their freshness quickly after they’ve been ground. That’s why the best method of brewing is to grind your beans right before you use them.
The problem with this approach in my house is I’m usually up much earlier than anyone else in the house. Rather than wake people up by using my burr grinder, I choose to grind my beans a day or two before I use them. Not as fresh, but not as noisy either.
Re-heating coffee

Coffee is best when it’s fresh from the pot. If you’re not going to drink all of it at once, it’s a good idea to use a carafe or thermos to keep it warm. Sometimes, though, my coffee gets cold (or even luke warm) and I don’t feel like tossing it out. So I put it in the microwave for 30-60 seconds.
I know, I know, it’s an awful thing to do and I should be ashamed of myself. Except I’m not. Because I still get to enjoy my coffee.
Re-using coffee grounds
Admittedly, this coffee sin is rare and I’d have to be pretty desperate. But I have been known to make a half pot using the wet grounds from the last pot.
This only happens if I need just one more cup and don’t feel like going through the whole brewing process again.
Drinking store bought coffee
You know how it is. You forgot to roast beans. You forgot you were out of beans. You’re staying with friends and they don’t have beans. Off you go to the drive thru at your local national coffee chain of choice.
No, I don’t want foam. No, I don’t want hazelnut or pumpkin spice or whatever. Just give me the largest, hottest, blackest cup of coffee you have and I’ll be on my way.